Daniel Bryner

Daniel Bryner
Daniel Bryner

Special Olympics
Year Inducted

Daniel Bryner, a 2024 inductee, has the distinction of being the first Special Olympic athlete to be enshrined into the Chautauqua Sports Hall of Fame. In a career that spanned over three decades, Bryner’s pinnacle achievement was winning one gold and two silver medals in roller skating at the 1995 Special Olympics World Games at New Haven, Conn.

Beginning in 1971 and for 29 years, Dan trained and competed in nearly every sport Special Olympics offered including nordic skiing, alpine skiing, weight lifting, track and field, aquatics, volleyball, basketball, poly hockey, roller skating, softball, bowling, and golf. He earned medals in most of them at all levels including bronze and silver in 1983 and 1987 in softball and aquatics, respectively, at Special Olympics International Games.

During his most active years, 1988-1995, Bryner won 35 gold, 64 silver and 32 bronze medals at the state level and 7 at the national level.

more about Daniel Bryner

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